Operating Systems


Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahm


What is a process?

Process Management


Definition: Process

  • A process (lat. procedere = proceed, move forward) is an instance of a program
  • A program in execution
  • Dynamic objects which represent sequential activities in a computer system
  • While running every computer always run (at least) one process
  • Each process has assigned resources
  • A process can run in user or kernel mode

Source: Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems 4e, (c) 2014 Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

Process Resources

Which resources are associated to a process?

Process Context

  • The resources associated with a process managed by the OS are called the process context
  • The operating system manages three types of context information:
    • User context
      • Content of the allocated address space (\(\longrightarrow\) virtual memory)
    • Hardware context
      • CPU registers
    • System context
      • Information, which stores the operating system about a process
  • Typically information about the hardware and system context are stored in the process control block (PCB)

Recap: Registers

  • What is a register?
  • Which registers do you remember?

Hardware Context

Definition: Hardware Context

The hardware context describes the content of the CPU registers during process execution.

  • The following registers may need to be backed up when switching to another process (\(\longrightarrow\) context switch):
    • Program Counter (Instruction Pointer) – stores the memory address of the next instruction to be executed
    • Stack pointer – stores the address at the current end of the stack
    • Base pointer – points to an address in the stack
    • Instruction register – stores the instruction, which is currently executed
    • Accumulator – stores operands for the ALU and their results
    • Page-table base Register – stores the address of the page table of the running process
    • Page-table length register – stores the length of the page table of the running process

System Context

Definition: System Context

The information the operating system stores about a process is called the system context. Each process can be uniquely identified by a subset of this information.

  • Examples:
    • Record in the process table,
    • Identifier (\(\rightarrow\) Process ID (PID)),
    • \(\longrightarrow\) State,
    • Information about parent or child processes,
    • Priority,
    • Identifiers - access credentials to resources,
    • Quotas (allowed usage quantity of individual resources),
    • Runtime,
    • Opened files, or
    • Assigned devices.

Process Table and Process Control Blocks

  • Each process has its own process context, which is independent of the contexts of other processes
  • For managing the processes, the operating system implements the process table
    • It is a list of all existing processes.
    • It contains for each process a record which is called process control block (PCB)

Context Switching

  • In order to switch from one process to another, the OS stores the context (\(\longrightarrow\) CPU register content) of the former one in the process control block
  • The context of the latter one is restored from the content of its process control block

  • Each process is at any moment in a particular state
    \(\longrightarrow\) Process state models

Process State Models

Process States

  • The number of different states depends on the process state model of the operating system used

How many process states must a process model contain at least?

Process State Model with 2 States

  • In principle two process states are enough:
    • running: The CPU is allocated to a process
    • idle: The processes waits for the allocation of CPU

Source: Prof. Christian Baun

Process State Model with 2 States (Implementation)

  • Processes in state idle are stored in a queue (\(\rightarrow\) the runqueue), in which they wait for execution

    • The list can be sorted according to the process priority or waiting time

Source: Prof. Christian Baun

  • This model also shows the working method of the dispatcher
    • The job of the dispatcher is to carry out the state transitions
  • The execution order of the processes is specified by the scheduler, which uses a scheduling algorithm

Process Priorities

  • The priority of a process is proportional to its CPU time
  • The process priority is typically expressed as an integer value
    • A lower value represents a higher priority
  • For Linux systems:
    • Priorities between -20 and +19 are available
    • -20 is the highest priority and +19 is the lowest priority.
    • The default priority is 0
    • Normal users can assign priorities from 0 to 19
    • The super user (root) can assign negative values too
  • For RIOT systems:
    • Priorities between 0 and 15 are available
    • 0 is the highest priority and 15 is the lowest priority.
    • The default priority is 7
    • Priorities are typically fixed at process creation

Two States do not suffice in Practice

  • The process state model with 2 states assumes that all processes are ready to run at any time
    • This is unrealistic!
  • In almost any system processes become blocked at some point
    • Possible reasons:
      • They wait for an I/O device
      • They wait for the result of another process
      • They wait for a user input
  • Solution: Split the idle state into two:
    • ready state
    • blocked state

\(\Longrightarrow\) Process state model with 3 states

Process State Model with 3 States

  • Each process is in one of the following states:

  • running:

    • The CPU is assigned to the process and executes its instructions

  • ready:
    • The process is ready to run and is currently waiting for the allocation of the CPU
    • This state is sometimes also called pending
  • blocked:
    • The process can currently not be executed and is waiting for the occurrence of an event or the satisfaction of a condition
    • This may be e.g., a message of another process or of an I/O device or the occurrence of a synchronization event

Process State Model with 3 States – Implementation

  • In practice, operating systems (e.g., Linux or RIOT) implement multiple queues for processes blocked state

  • State transition: When a process state is changed, the corresponding entry is removed from one queue and inserted into another one
  • No separate list exists for processes in running state

Process State Model with 5 States

  • For many implementations the introduction of two additional states is useful:

    • new: The process (process control block) has been created by the OS but not yet in ready state

    • exit: The execution of the process has finished or was terminated but the process control block still exists

  • Reason for the existence of the process states new and exit:
    • The number of executable processes may be limited in order to save memory and to specify the degree of multitasking

Process State Model with 6 States

  • The sum of all processes may exceed the amount of physical main memory \(\Rightarrow\) memory belonging to currently not running processes is swapped out \(\Longrightarrow\) swapping

  • The OS outsources processes which are in blocked state

Process State Model with 7 States

  • For more efficient use of available memory or in order to reduce waiting time, processes in suspended state may be distinguished into
    • blocked suspended state
    • ready suspended state

Process State Model of Linux/UNIX (somewhat simplified)

  • The state running is split into the states…
    • user running for user mode processes
    • kernel running for kernel mode processes

A zombie process has completed execution (via the system call exit) but its entry in the process table exists until the parent process has fetched (via the system call wait) the exit status (return code)


What do you already know? Let’s go to the survey again:

  • Which cache write policy yields the best performance?

  • Which types of context information does the OS store per process?

  • To which states are there valid transitions from the ready state in a Linux system?

Create and Erase Processes

Writing Portable Code

What does one need to do in order to implement an application that can be run on a variety of computers?


  • POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) is a family of IEEE standards for operating systems
  • Aims for portability and compatibility of applications between different operating systems
  • Defines user and system level APIs (application programming interfaces)
  • Additionally it defines command line shells and utility interfaces
  • It is based on UNIX
  • There are few POSIX-certified OS (e.g., macOS, VxWorks, or AIX)
  • Many OS (like Linux, FreeBSD, or Minix) are mostly POSIX compliant

POSIX Process Creation via fork

  • In a POSIX system the system call fork() is the only way to create a new process
  • If a process calls fork(), an identical copy is started as a new process
    • The calling process is called parent process
    • The new process is called child process
  • Child process and parent process both have their own process context, but …
  • all assigned resources (like opened files and memory areas) of the parent process are copied for the child process and are independent from the parent process
  • The child process after creation runs the exactly same code
    • Since the program counters are identical as well both processes refer to the same line of code

Code example for fork on Linux

  • If a process calls fork(), an exact copy is created
    • The processes differ only in the return values of fork()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void) {
    int return_value = fork();
    if (return_value < 0) {
        // If fork() returns -1, an error happened.
        // Memory or processes table have no more free capacity.
    if (return_value > 0) {
        // If fork() returns a positive number, we are in the parent process.
        // The return value is the PID of the newly created child process.
    if (return_value == 0) {
        // If fork() returns 0, we are in the child process.

Process Hierarchy of a POSIX System

  • All processes on a POSIX system are spawned via fork()
  • All processes are part of the same hierarchy

But which process forms the root of this hierarchy?

init or systemd (PID 1) is the first process in Linux/UNIX

All running processes originate from init \(\rightarrow\) init (or systemd) = parent of all processes

Process Tree

  • Processes in a system form a tree of processes (\(\longrightarrow\) process hierarchy) based on the parent-child relationship

The commands pstree and ps f return an overview about the processes, running in Linux/UNIX, as a tree according to their parent/child relationships

 $ ps fax
 1   ?        Ss     0:01 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system
1211 ?        Ss     0:00 dhcpcd: [manager] [ip4] [ip6]
1214 ?        S      0:00  \_ dhcpcd: [privileged proxy]
7775 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ dhcpcd: [BPF ARP] enp0s31f6
7778 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ dhcpcd: [BPF ARP] wlan0
1215 ?        S      0:00  \_ dhcpcd: [network proxy]
1216 ?        S      0:00  \_ dhcpcd: [control proxy]
1339 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
1340 ?        S      0:00  \_ (sd-pam)
1465 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --session --nofork
1511 ?        Ssl    0:00  \_ /usr/lib/at-spi-bus-launcher
1519 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --address=unix:path=/run/user/1000/at-spi/bus

Information about processes in Linux/UNIX

$ ps -eFw
root     1     0  0  5456 12860   2 12:06 ?     00:00:01 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
root  1311     1  0  1998  4992   4 12:06 ?     00:00:00 login -- oleg
oleg  1339     1  0  5110 11828   4 12:07 ?     00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
oleg  1347  1311  0 1122763 171300 0 12:07 tty1 00:00:51 sway
oleg  8031     1  0 285131 31908  3 13:16 ?     00:00:02 foot
oleg  8033  8031  0  4948 15160   7 13:16 pts/2 00:00:02 /usr/bin/zsh
oleg 14043     1  3 949647 569960 4 13:26 ?     00:01:33 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox
oleg 14077     1  0 261432 165640 2 13:26 tty1  00:00:06 Xwayland :0 -rootless -core 
oleg 22367     1  0 285340 35712  3 13:54 ?     00:00:01 foot
oleg 22369 22367  0  3710  9548   2 13:54 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/bin/zsh
root 25003     2  0     0     0   6 14:05 ?     00:00:00 [kworker/6:2-events]
root 25097     2  0     0     0   0 14:05 ?     00:00:00 [kworker/0:2-i915-unordered]
oleg 25202 22369  0  3187  4564   3 14:05 pts/1 00:00:00 ps -eFw 
  • C (CPU) = CPU utilization of the process in percent
  • SZ (Size) = virtual process size = Text segment, heap and stack (see \(\rightarrow\) slide )
  • RSS (Resident Set Size) = Occupied physical memory (without swap) in kB
  • PSR = CPU core assigned to the process
  • STIME = start time of the process
  • TTY (Teletypewriter) = control terminal.
    Usually a virtual device: pts (pseudo terminal slave)
  • TIME = consumed CPU time of the process (HH:MM:SS)

Parent and Child Processes

  • The example demonstrates that parent and child processes operate independently of each other and have different memory areas
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void) {
    int i;
    if (fork())
    // Parent process source code
        for (i = 0; i < 5000000; i++)
            printf("\n Parent: \%i", i);
    // Child process source code
        for (i = 0; i < 5000000; i++)
            printf("\n Child : \%i", i);
    return 0;
Child : 0
Child : 1
Child : 21019
Parent: 0
Parent: 50148
Child : 21020
Child : 129645
Parent: 50149
Parent: 855006
Child : 129646
  • The output demonstrates the switches between the processes

  • The value of the loop variable i proves that parent and child processes are independent of each other

The result of execution can not be reproduced!

The PID Numbers of Parent and Child Process (1/2)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void) {
    int pid_of_child;
    pid_of_child = fork();
    // An error occured --> program abort
    if (pid_of_child < 0) {
        perror("\n fork() caused an error!");
    // Parent process
    if (pid_of_child > 0) {
        printf("\n Parent: PID: %i", getpid());
        printf("\n Parent: PPID: %i", getppid());
    // Child process
    if (pid_of_child == 0) {
        printf("\n Child:  PID: %i", getpid());
        printf("\n Child:  PPID: %i", getppid());
  • This example creates a child process
  • Child process and parent process both print:
    • Own PID
    • PID of parent process (PPID)

The PID Numbers of Parent and Child Process (2/2)

  • The output is usually similar to this one:

    Parent: PID: 20835
    Parent: PPID: 3904
    Child:  PID: 20836
    Child:  PPID: 20835 
  • This result can be observed sometimes:

    Parent: PID: 20837
    Parent: PPID: 3904
    Child:  PID: 20838
    Child:  PPID: 1 
  • The parent process was terminated before the child process

    • If a parent process terminates before the child process, it gets init as the new parent process assigned

    • Orphaned processes are always adopted by init

Replacing Processes via exec

  • The system call exec() replaces a process with another one
    • The new process gets the PID of the calling process
  • To start a new process, one need to …
    • call fork(), and then
    • call exec()

If no new process is created with fork() before exec() is called, the parent process is replaced

  • Steps of a program execution from a shell:
    • The shell creates with fork() an identical copy of itself
    • In the new process, the actual program is stared with exec()

Source: Prof. Christian Baun

exec Example

$ ps -f
user      1772  1727  0 May18 pts/2    00:00:00 bash
user     12750  1772  0 11:26 pts/2    00:00:00 ps -f
$ bash
$ ps -f
user      1772  1727  0 May18 pts/2    00:00:00 bash
user     12751  1772 12 11:26 pts/2    00:00:00 bash
user     12769 12751  0 11:26 pts/2    00:00:00 ps -f
$ exec ps -f
user      1772  1727  0 May18 pts/2    00:00:00 bash
user     12751  1772  4 11:26 pts/2    00:00:00 ps -f
$ ps -f
user      1772  1727  0 May18 pts/2    00:00:00 bash
user     12770  1772  0 11:27 pts/2    00:00:00 ps -f 
  • Because of the exec, the ps -f command replaced the bash and got its PID (12751) and PPID (1772)

Another exec Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void) {
    int pid; 
    pid = fork();
    // If PID!=0 --> Parent process
    if (pid) {
        printf("...Parent process...\n");
        printf("[Parent] Own PID:           %d\n", getpid());
        printf("[Parent] PID of the child:  %d\n", pid);
    // If PID=0 --> Child process
    else {
        printf("...Child process...\n");
        printf("[Child]  Own PID:           %d\n", getpid());
        printf("[Child]  PID of the parent: %d\n", getppid());
        // Current program is replaced by "date"
        // "date" will be the process name in the process table
        execl("/bin/date", "date", "-u", NULL);
    printf("[%d ]Program abort\n", getpid());
    return 0;
  • The system call exec() does not exist as wrapper function
  • But multiple variants of the exec() function exist
  • One of these variants is execl()

Helpful overview about the different variants of the exec() function:

Explanation of the exec Example

$ ./exec_example
...Parent process...
[Parent] Own PID:           25646
[Parent] PID of the child:  25647
[25646 ]Program abort
...Child process...
[Child]  Own PID:           25647
[Child]  PID of the parent: 25646
Di 24. Mai 17:25:31 CEST 2016
$ ./exec_example 
...Parent process...
[Parent] Own PID:           25660
[Parent] PID of the child:  25661
[25660 ]Program abort
...Child process...
[Child]  Own PID:           25661
[Child]  PID of the parent: 1
Di 24. Mai 17:26:12 CEST 2016
  • After printing its PID via getpid() and the PID of its parent process via getppid(), the child process is replaced via date

  • If the parent process of a process terminates before the child process, the child process gets init as new parent process assigned :::

Since Linux Kernel 3.4 (2012) and Dragonfly BSD 4.2 (2015), it is also possible that other processes than PID=1 become the new parent process of an orphaned process http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/149319/new-parent-process-when-the-parent-process-dies/177361#177361

3 possible Ways to create a new Process

  • Process forking: A running process creates with fork() a new, identical process
  • Process chaining: A running process creates with exec() a new process and terminates itself this way because it gets replaced by the new process
  • Process creation: A running process creates with fork() a new, identical process, which replaces itself via exec() by a new process


Have Fun with Fork Bombs

  • A fork bomb is a program, which calls the fork() system call in an infinite loop

  • Objective: Create copies of the process until there is no more free memory

    • The system becomes unusable
  • Only protection option: Limit the maximum number of processes and the maximum memory usage per user

Python code

import os

while True:

C code

#include <unistd.h>

int main(void)

PHP code


Structure of a UNIX Process in Memory

Process’ Data

What types of data are being accessed by a process?

Memory Layout of a Unix Process

  • Default allocation of the virtual memory on a Linux system with a 32-bit CPU
    • 1 GB for the system (kernel)
    • 3 GB for the running process

The structure of processes on 64 bit systems is not different from 32 bit systems. Only the address space is larger and thus the possible extension of the processes in the memory.

  • The text segment contains the program code (machine instructions) and other read-only data (e.g., strings literals)
  • Can be shared by multiple processes
    • Must be stored for this reason only once in physical memory
    • Is therefore usually read-only
  • exec() reads the text segment from the program file
  • The heap grows dynamically and consists of 2 parts:
    1. data segment
    2. BSS
  • The data segment contains initialized variables and constants
    • Contains all data assigned to initialized global variables
      • Example: int sum = 0;
    • exec() reads the data segment from the program file

The user space in the memory structure of the processes is the user context. It is the virtual address space (virtual memory) allocated by the operating system

  • The area BSS (block started by symbol) contains uninitialized variables
  • Contains uninitialized global variables
    • Example: int i;
  • Moreover, the process can dynamically allocate memory in this area at runtime
    • In C with the function malloc()
  • The operating system loader typically initializes all variables in the BSS with 0 on start
  • The stack is used to implement nested function calls
    • It also contains command line arguments of the program call and environment variables
  • Operates according to the LIFO
    (Last In First Out) principle
  • With every function call a data structure with the following contents is placed onto the stack:
    • Call parameters
    • Return address
    • Pointer to the calling function in the stack
  • The functions also add (push) their local variables onto the stack
  • When returning from from a function the data structure of the function is removed (pop) from the stack
  • The command size returns the size (in bytes) of the text segment, data segment, and BSS of program files
    • The contents of the text segment and data segment are included in the program files
    • All contents in the BSS are set to value 0 at process creation
$ size /bin/c*
text   data    bss     dec     hex filename
46480    620   1480   48580    bdc4 /bin/cat
7619    420     32    8071    1f87 /bin/chacl
55211    592    464   56267    dbcb /bin/chgrp
51614    568    464   52646    cda6 /bin/chmod
57349    600    464   58413    e42d /bin/chown
120319    868   2696  123883   1e3eb /bin/cp
131911   2672   1736  136319   2147f /bin/cpio

Sources UNIX-Systemprogrammierung, Helmut Herold, Addison-Wesley (1996), P.345-347
Betriebssysteme, Carsten Vogt, Spektrum (2001), P.58-60
Moderne Betriebssysteme, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Pearson (2009), P.874-877


You should now be able to answer the following questions:

  • What is a process?
  • Which information does the hardware and the system context provide?
  • What happens when the OS switches from one process to another?
  • Which states can a process have?
  • How can a new process be started?
  • How can a user mode process execute a higher privileged task?