Latest news
- [ 2024-10-28 ] Working with RIOT on the nrf52840dk
- [ 2024-10-16 ] Start of sessions in winter term 2024/25
- [ 2024-07-08 ] Unser Leben in Daten - Slides from final presentations online
- [ 2024-07-08 ] New email address and additional office hours
- [ 2024-07-07 ] No lecture tomorrow
- [ 2024-07-07 ] Security incident - Frankfurt UAS is down
- [ 2024-05-10 ] More fixes for the roommanager library
- [ 2024-05-06 ] Room for the hands-on session tomorrow
- [ 2024-05-03 ] Working with RIOT on the nrf52840dk in the lab
- [ 2024-04-28 ] Tests for exercise sheet 02 updated
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